"El Pisqueña" exists since 1992. We invite you to enjoy the unique creative cooking of our area, within an enchanting rustic ambience.
We try to reestablish traditional ingredients and recipes - tomatoes, peppers, charqui, onions, peas, beans, figs and so on - presentated in a modern way, completed by a fine selection of local wines and beers.
To satisfy all kind of tastes, our menu has a section of "Chef's Specialties" combined with a selection or our exquisite pizzas. Some of our dishes (which you have to taste at least one time):
- Tabla Pisco Elqui. To taste the typical goat cheese accompanied by dried tomatoes and honey
- Los Piuquenes. A delicious onion soup with white wine
- El Rodeo. Steak with ham in an uncomparable sauce
- El Chañar. Enchants you with its beans from the cordillera mixed with onions, peppers, garlic, olives and palm hearts
- Pizza Elquina. A concert of dried tomatoes, goat cheese and pesto.
- Turrón de vino. A traditional sweet dessert prepared using grandmothers' recipe.
Open daily from 13.30 hrs till 21.00 hrs
From CLP 5.500 per person
We accept cash and credit cards.
Centenario s/n, (opposite the plaza)
not known